Business services: vision, organization and team development

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In short:Within the notarial profession, brokerage and IT services, there is a regular reason to take a good look at how the organization functions and how mutual cooperation takes shape. This reason stems, among other things, from developments within the sector, changing competitive relationships within the own working area and the strengths and weaknesses of the own organization. Sometimes there is a lot of dissatisfaction among the staff leading to frequent staff changes, sometimes a company has grown strongly and management is looking for how to adequately manage a larger organization. Applying a potential merger partner can also be a reason to thoroughly reorient themselves on the course of the company. The process of further development can relate to strategy, profiling and positioning (externally focused) as well as office organization, personnel policy, management, cooperation and team dynamics (internally focused).

What do we do?Our contributions are aimed at: [1] increasing the mutual understanding and understanding of the views, sensitivities, concerns and wishes and expectations within the company, [2] mirroring strengths and weaknesses in terms of market position and internal functioning. , [3] the identification of a number of dominant themes and the recognition of the need to achieve improvements in this respect, [4] the development of a broadly supported vision for the future including joint strategic goals and [5] jointly supported plans for improvement and follow-up actions to be taken for this purpose (route map).

Important methods: conversations based on the results of a pre-filled HRO behavior scan, participatory observation, SWOT, working on common frameworks, strengthening leadership, giving and receiving feedback, meeting technique, increasing collective ownership and leadership, coaching and guidance in learning and improving.