Rijkswaterstaat Safety Impulse Program

HRO 4/5 safety culture

In brief: The Safety incentive program focuses on the development of a proactive safety culture within Rijkswaterstaat. The board and group council have expressed the ambition to achieve this proactive safety culture level in 2018. In 2014/2015 we performed a baseline measurement and in 2016/2017 a follow-up measurement for all 15 components. A third measurement followed in 2018.

What do we do?The program focused on: [1] the development and implementation of a safety culture measurement to determine where the various organizational components are located, [2] increasing safety awareness by exchanging experiences, images, interpretations and beliefs during group interviews, [3] determining which improvement actions and interventions can best be implemented to stimulate development to a proactive level of culture, [4] discussing our findings with the management involved and contributing to master classes and [5] advising the advisors of the Safety Impulse Program.