Learning from an unexpected event
Unexpected events are instructive for several reasons. Whether it is an incident, near-miss or success. In the first place it is instructive because when discussing the event, people almost always discover that this is fascinating and useful. People experience that learning from mistakes can be inspiring and not necessarily negative. Secondly, unexpected events are instructive because it brings you into contact with others, people and organizations that are doing the same thing as you. Stories about each other are replaced by stories for each other. And third, unexpected events are unique opportunities to look into the culture of the organization and of your own and other teams. Evaluating and reconstructing something that did not go well at all gives insight, is pleasantly concrete and results in positive energy. It is essential that guilty parties are not searched for. it’s blame free.
Successes are sometimes also seen as an unexpected outcome. A lot can also be learned from this. And that will also have a stimulating effect. However, an unexpected positive result is not the same as an unexpected event. But by looking at how a group of people managed to manage a setback or near accident (which allowed them to hold on to success) you also gain insight into behavior, mindset and how to deal with patterns.
Below some powerful methods that we often use in organizations.